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Hanoi to Sapa Transport

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Transport options from Hanoi to Sapa via bus, train or private car
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4.6 (60)
6 hrs
|Up to 35 guests
Cabin was clean cool and private
4.4 (18)
|Up to 4 guests
Me and husband had very good sleep despite the train was shaky and noisy

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What other guests say
242 reviews
The ride was very clean and well maintained. Journey was smooth and on schedule. Tommy, the host, very kindly informed us beforehand that our ride back was rescheduled to another bus - that was very much appreciated. Would definitely book this again!
Bus was punctual and comfortable enough for one night
The process of boarding the bus is very simple, just have to confirm your name with the bus driver. And when you board the bus, they provide you with a plastic bag to keep your shoes to keep the bus clean. When you get in, its very clean and tidy. The sleeping area has curtains for your on both sides. There is also water provided and blankets. The bed is also able to recline if you are not sleepy yet. Overall, it was a very fun experience and would recommend it to all my friends.

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