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This hidden route up Mount Batur has no crowds

Uncover the route that only locals know, at Bali's most popular volcano

Last updated: 23 Feb 2024 - 2 min read
This hidden route up Mount Batur has no crowds
This hidden route up Mount Batur has no crowds
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Forget the elbow-to-elbow scramble on Mount Batur (seriously, 600 hikers a day!). We stumbled upon a secret trek known only to locals. You'll start with a moonlit boat ride across Lake Batur, followed by an easy trek that leads you to epic volcano views without the selfie sticks!

The best part? This local route directly benefits the community, from the aunty serving you tea to the passionate guides who call this place home. No faceless corporations here, just real people you're supporting with every step. This is the Bali we crave: authentic, impactful, and unforgettable.

One of the most magical part of the experience is the boat ride across Lake Batur under a starry sky

Here's what to expect

  • Early Start & Local Pickup: Your adventure begins with a convenient pickup from your Ubud or South Bali hotel around 4 AM. After a short walk through local farms, you'll reach Lake Batur.
  • Serene Boat Ride: Embrace the tranquility as you glide across the lake under a starlit sky for 20-30 minutes, soaking in the stunning scenery and anticipation of the approaching sunrise.
  • Easier Climb: Unlike Mount Batur's steep incline, the Caldera Trek offers a gentler ascent suitable for most fitness levels (think 45-60 minutes with jungle vegetation). Here it takes half the time to get to the views compared with the usual Batur hike.
  • Epic sunrise: Just as the sun peeks over the horizon, you reach the rim, with panoramic views of Mount Batur, Agung, and even Rinjani in Lombok.
  • Sunrise Brekkie without the crowds: Have a yummy breakfast at the top while enjoying sunrise!

When we say there's serenity on this hidden trail we mean it!

After the trek

If you still have energy after conquering the trek, we'd highly recommend adding on a trip to the nearby areas!

Most travellers hit to the touristy hot springs but we'd recommend skipping it and heading to Trunyan Village instead. This ancient settlement, nestled on the lake's edge, is like stepping back in time. Witness their unique "magic tree" burial traditions and immerse yourself in a way of life untouched by modern times.

It's a glimpse into authentic Balinese culture that few travellers get.

Level up  your off-grid day by going to Trunyan village, Bali's oldest village with a magic tree

Top tips

  • Guide? Yes, mandatory! It's about safety, community benefit, and local knowledge.
  • Pack: Warm clothes for the early morning chill (between 14-18 celcius!). Wear comfortable shoes with good traction. Trekking poles are highly recommended for the descent, especially if you're not a seasoned trekker. Check if your guide provides them!
  • Dusty Paths: Be prepared for a bit of dust, sand, and maybe a few friendly spiders (they're more scared of you than you are of them!).
  • More off-grid? Swap the hot springs for Trunyan Village for an extra dose of cultural immersion.
  • More tips? Check out the Complete Guide to Batur here.

Ditch the crowds = even better views

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